
About HârnWorld
HârnWorld is a fantasy roleplaying setting. It is roughly analogous to medieval Earth, although there is a considerable amount of variability in specific areas. It provides a comprehensive framework within which a game master (GM) can set a roleplaying campaign. Because HârnWorld operates under most of the same physical laws and social dynamics as medieval Earth, the GM can comfortably adapt to situations that occur during play. Of course, like any fantasy setting, there are strange beasts and magical phenomena. However, these are deliberately downplaying in the setting.

HârnWorld is a so-called low fantasy setting. “Low” as in the fantastic elements are rare and hidden, not as in they don’t exist. A peasant farmer in HârnWorld may live 20 miles from a dragon, or a couple of miles from a wizard, and never know about either. Yes, he’s heard of dragons and wizards, but only in legends and folklore. The great majority of the population of HârnWorld live in rural areas and seldom wander; that’s the province of the heroes (the player-controlled characters).

About Hârn
Hârn, or the Misty Isle, is an island of the western coast of the continent of Lýthia located approximately where Great Britain is located on Earth. It is a rough, hazy land dominated by mountains and a mighty lake at its center. It is home to a number of ‘civilized’ states, and many barbaric tribes, as well as several unique cultures. Yes, it is home to elves and dwarves, but these are reclusive races that rarely venture from their forest or mountain fastnesses.

About Official HârnWorld Publications
Created by N. Robin Crossby (also known as NRC, who passed away in July 2008) over many years, HârnWorld was first published in 1983 by Columbia Games Inc. (also known as CGI). It is now also published by Kelestia Productions, licenced by Robin’s estate and his inheritor (his daughter Arien). Please visit their websites for more details about official HârnWorld publications.

About Fan-Written Material
NRC terminated the royalty contract between himself and CGI in 2003 and that stance is continued by his estate and his inheritor, but CGI disputes the termination was valid. At present, the legal standing between the two parties is unknown. Since there has been no official and legal resolution to the issue, Lýthia.com has chosen to remain neutral. For more on our stance regarding the publication of fan-written material, please read this page.

About Lýthia.com
Lýthia.com provides fans with one place on the Internet to find both official and unofficial news about Hârn and the Hârn community. Home to the HârnForum (a web bulletin board) and HârnList (an email discussion list) where the community meets to discuss the gaming environment, Lýthia.com is a web site dedicated to providing fans with an outlet for the material they create and wish to share. It hosts hundreds of fanon articles on HârnWorld, all of which can be adapted for use in any fantasy gaming setting. We have no commercial purpose and we don’t have any agenda other than supporting the fans of HârnWorld (we call ourselves “Hârniacs”) wherever they may live on our world. All of the material on this site that fans make available is free to anyone to download and share with others. Anyone who uses any material downloaded from this website for any commercial purpose is being a dick and will be punished accordingly.

About Privacy
We do not collect your information except as a byproduct of the software we use (WordPress & phpBB). We don’t monitor access, although we can and do ban spammers via IP address, so we can get that level of information. However, we don’t store data, don’t use it other than against spammers (everyone say “Yay!”), and don’t sell it to any third parties. We cannot vouch for our hosting provider, but in the more than fifteen years we’ve been with them, we’ve seen no evidence they’re doing anything we wouldn’t agree with in this regard. So you can come in, look around, and know that nothing you do on this site will come back to haunt you later in the form of targeted emails and such.


Some illustrations used on this site are public domain images and are sourced from Gode Cookery’s Medieval Woodcuts Clipart Collection and the clipart catalog at Heraldic Clipart.

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