
How do I make an article I wrote available for download?

If you want to publish an article for other fans to freely enjoy, your should write the article using your favourite editor, and save the file as a PDF.  There are templates available on Lý you can use (just search for the word ‘template‘), and you can always see what other authors have done by downloading their fanon and copying the style. Note these styles aren’t mandatory, simply customary.

Once you’ve finished writing and editing your article, please send the PDF to We prefer submissions by email (as an attachment), but if the file is too large for regular email (>25MB) or there is a problem with file corruption, we can discuss other methods for getting the file to us, such as Dropbox or some other file sharing arrangement.

Don’t forget to include a blurb in the email describing your article, which we use in the download page description. However, we reserve the right to edit the blurb to fit our usual style. See any of the existing downloads for examples of these blurbs.

If you just have a question about an existing article or publishing a new article, feel free to send a query to too. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have. However, if your question is whether we’d be interested in publishing an article on anything that is Hârn-related, the answer is yes. If we have any issues with the article, we’ll let you know when we review it.

How do I do copyright notices?

Every page of the work (after the cover and contents pages etc.) should have a one line copyright notice at the bottom. Copyright notice will protect you, and Robin’s estate. You can choose to add Keléstia Productions Ltd and/or Columbia Games Inc. if you desire, but it’s not mandatory. Remember, you MUST acknowledge N. Robin Crossby as the creator of Hârn material. The following are a list of the possible combinations; pick one you think is appropriate.

  1. © year, <author’s name> and N. Robin Crossby. (this is the minimum requirement of this website)
  2. © year, <author’s name>, Keléstia Productions Ltd, and N. Robin Crossby. (this is Kelestia Production Ltd’s recommended standard)
  3. © year, <author’s name>, Keléstia Productions Ltd, Columbia Games Inc, and N. Robin Crossby.
  4. © year, <author’s name>, Columbia Games Inc, and N. Robin Crossby.

Authors, you could leave your name out of the copyright notice, but this means you forego any rights to the work in favour of those so named. We strongly urge you not to leave your name off any works you create, because you are creating something. It may be derivative¹ of earlier work by N. Robin Crossby, but it’s arguable that all current literary art is at least partially derivative of prior works.

We also strongly encourage you include a Creative Commons licence to further protect your work. We recommend CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International. This is version 4.0 of the licence and is published under Australian law because the owner of this website is an Australian company. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. You can click the link for more detail.

Is there any other attribution necessary?

Larger fanon articles might use the example below to explain the creative credits a bit more completely. You might add Columbia Games Inc. and/or Keléstia Productions Ltd at the end of the first paragraph if you desire, but it’s not mandatory. In fact, this whole piece should be considered optional, but nice to have.

This is an unofficial HârnFanon work created by <author's name>. It is a derivative work from material created by N. Robin Crossby and is released for free distribution and personal use by <author's name> without the permission or endorsement of N. Robin Crossby or his estate [or Keléstia Productions Ltd | Columbia Games Inc].

This document is available for download free from If you have been asked to pay for this document, either as a download or as a hard copy, you have been robbed.

Is all this rubbish really necessary?

These requirements, variable as they are, stem from the contract dispute between N. Robin Crossby (and now his estate) and Columbia Games Inc. You can find more information on this website’s stance regarding this dispute here:


¹ derivative: Based on or making use of other sources; not original or primary. This is the legal definition of the term in most signatories to the Bern (copyright) convention.