- Peran: Heart of Darkness
- The White Stoat Inn
- Asawne Kubora
- Denal Kubora
- Afarezirs: The Root Of All Evil
- The Tirsa Pirates
- The Trident Inn
- Movel Gamle Hem
- Gwaed Island
- Cynswyr Ariensyn
- Clan Sholen
- Maps: Afarezirs
- Golotha: The Deeper Dark
- Zarainsen Warehouse
- Golotha Guild of Arcane Lore
- Mejetus: Ancient Shades
- Scarlet Ribbon
- Kustan Siolen
- Emesa
- Mejetus
- Bestiary: Bitter Fallen
- Map: Emesa Hundred
This is the fourth adventure of the Dark Rethem campaign and sees the main campaign arc brought to a conclusion. In it the player characters are summoned to pay the debt incurred at the end of Golotha: Deeper Dark and embark on a mission that takes them into Peran and across Rethem in pursuit of the missing Coln of Kutz. On the way they will find clues to his plans and to his nature and come to realise just how much is at stake.
by Alun Rees
Mejetus: Ancient Shades
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