Saint Symaen is venerated by Chybisans, particularly the townsfolk of Burzyn, as Defender of Burzyn and Patron Saint of Chybisa.
Author: Leitchy
Houserules for the effects of famine, heatstroke, frostbite, and exhaustion.
Grand Grimoire of the Pvaric Tradition
A 220 page opus containing a personalised version of all HârnMaster spells from all sources.
HârnMaster Equipment Record
The HârnMaster Equipment Record is a blank Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet with several tabs for players to record what their characters have with them.
Yashain, the realm of the dead, might be easier to visualise if it were the size of Harn.
What would happen to characters who travelled via Godstone to Losenor, the destroyed home of the Earthmasters?