In the city of Tashal, Haldana Row is home to a diverse group of people: wealthy, highborn, mysterious.
Author: Leitchy
Disputes among clans are not unknown, but when a druid’s golden sickle is stolen, something must be done.
Royal Court of Kanday
Who pulls the strings in Kanday’s government? This 24-page article gives details on the holders of office, a day in the life of the king, and hopeful brides-to-be he might meet when his court travels.
Indama House: A Townhouse in Tashal
Indama House is a three-story townhome on Chidena Street in Tashal’s Haldana District.
House For Sale
This is a mini-adventure and location article, which details a house in the Weavertown district of Tashal Kaldor that is up for sale.
Medrik New Row
Continuing the mapping of Tashal, the New Row is a collection of three houses built along the River Wall in the Medrik district.