These brilliant short adventure seeds provide any GM with terrific one-off adventures, or the seeds for a full campaign. With just a small amount of tweaking, these 101 plots are perfect for any campaign, not just a Hârn one.
Author: Leitchy
Fate of Hârn
Fate of Harn (FINAL) has been released; this version contains a Cheat Sheet for players and an updated character sheet.
Sheluna Mountains
This is a Harndex style article detailing an area of the Beshakan Desert; the Sheluna Mountains.
Coranan Additions
This expands and adds to the city entries for the second edition Coranan article from CGI.
Lethyl is a prosperous, if slightly rustic, Laranian abbey bordered by the dark Kirsta Forest on the northern border of Fethael Hundred.
Stybrin Manor is located on prime river bottomland on the western edge of Kaldor, near Olokand Castle.