The grimoire of Sastaz, a Peleahn Shenava. The spells within display his magical aim; survival.
Author: Leitchy
Comprehensive Pricelists
A list of goods and services available on Hârn and their costs.
Major Knights of Melderyn
The major knights of Melderyn are the bailiffs or constables of keeps, holding these strongholds for the Great Clans of the kingdom.
Templates: Weather Journal
Blank weather journals in MS Word 2003 format. Each page is presented in half-months broken up into 6 four hour colour coded watches.
Suvist is a manor to the northeast of Heru in Kaldor. While the manor is prosperous, the acrimonious relationship between the lord of the manor, Sir Sterba, and his wife, Lady Kelenia, is stretching the manor’s resources to its limit. This article is one of a series concerning the holdings of the Labarn clan in […]
Expanding Save-K’norran Ritual Choice
Presents a house rule where Save-K’norran priests can learn the rituals of other dieties, but beware the cost.