Category: Discussion

Posts that talk about things

Atlas Keléstia – Emélrenè Map

Lands between the Es; ancient and perilous realm… Keléstia Productions are pleased to announce the publication of the Atlas Keléstia – Emélrenè Map. This map covers the kingdom of Emélrenè, as well as the surrounding regions and realms, including the island of Mèlderýn, the Shôrka duchy of Álagon, and the northern reaches of Palíthanè. This map […]

Atlas Keléstia – TRZN A1 (Máris)

This issue describes map square A1 (Máris) on the Tríerzon regional map, which is an area on the north-central coast of the kingdom of Emélrenè. It is a region of rapidly growing trade centres, including Máris and Panîra, as well as the wilder and more dangerous Ellarýn hills and forest. Tensions are rising between Ilvîran […]

Atlas Keléstia – SHKN F8 (Ishéres)

The shores of our discontent… Keléstia Productions are pleased to announce the publication of Atlas Keléstia #27. This issue describes map square F8 (Ishéres) on the Shôrkýnè regional map, an area on the west-central coast of the kingdom of Shôrkýnè, including much of the county of Dumâla. The locale is struggling to recover from decades […]

Summa Venâriva – a social history of Venârivè

Introducing a whole new in-depth guide to the social, religious, political and economic history of Venârivè. For the first time, Keléstia Productions is proud to provide an extensive 130 page detailed description of the historical trends and forces that have shaped Venârivè, and which thus provides an important resource for richer, deeper roleplaying and game […]

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