Friends, Foes & Followers — Volume One contains 144 unique, illustrated, and detailed characters. Although using HârnMaster 3 game system statistics, skills, weapons and armor, they are designed to be used with any game system.
Category: Game Aides
Files that contain software or information useful to Game Masters.
Guildspeople of Lythia
This spreadsheet contains an exhaustive list of all references to guilded and unguilded individuals, from both canon and fanon.
Map Square & Big Hex
Hand-drawn, blank Atlas map pages for GMs to use for their own campaign.
Orford & Restomel
An interpretation of these real-life castles for use in HârnWorld.
Mercenaries of Hârn
When you need an armed force quickly, you hire mercenaries. This article describes such companies, their organisation, occupations, fees, and how they might be employed.
Monthly Campaign Tracker
This Campaign Tracker is made to help with tracking each year of a campaign.