An alternative Battlelust system for Hârn using the Block Wars style.
Category: Game Aides
Files that contain software or information useful to Game Masters.
Maps: Anfla & Kamace
High quality, detailed maps of Anfla & Kamace and the other islands separated from Hârn by the Emaba Strait.
Hârn Settlement Generator
The “Harn Settlement Generator” is a java-based application that allows you to generate settlements based on HârnManor and HârnTown.
Comprehensive Pricelists
A list of goods and services available on Hârn and their costs.
Templates: Weather Journal
Blank weather journals in MS Word 2003 format. Each page is presented in half-months broken up into 6 four hour colour coded watches.
Expanding Save-K’norran Ritual Choice
Presents a house rule where Save-K’norran priests can learn the rituals of other dieties, but beware the cost.