Codified steps for characters to become Gray Mages.
Category: HârnMaster
Bestiary: Elementals
Bestiary entry for elementals: fire, air, earth & water.
Alchemy, an original work by NRC, adapted by JPM and reformatted by Shane Morales. This archive contains all versions, from the original to the final adaptation. They should be considered houserules because they were never officially published. Also available are alchemical and chymical recipes of Terra.
The Legacy Grimoire
A beautifully crafted fantasy role-playing supplement for the HârnMaster RPG, The Legacy Grimoire contains 50 pages of spells for all six Shek P’var magic convocations. The spells build on the existing magic rules and provide an expansive addition to any Hârn campaign, with loads of fun and exciting spellcasting opportunities.
Character Sheets & Profiles
There’s another new addition to the page of Character Sheets & Profiles (this one called Retro Ivinian, by Erik Lindenius) so we’re publishing this page yet again. There’s also a new version of Daniel Petrone’s PC Profile Generation package, and after correcting a problem, it’s now available for download once more.
Bestiary: The Fatherless Multitude
A collection of ivashu with HM3 stats.