Fate of Harn (FINAL) has been released; this version contains a Cheat Sheet for players and an updated character sheet.
Category: HârnMaster
Bestiary: Bitter Fallen
The Bitten Fallen are residents of Yashain that have fallen from grace, and they resent the fact and seek revenge on the living.
GunMaster Gold
GunMaster supplements HârnMaster Gold with rules for firearms.
Sastaz’s Peleahn Grimoire
The grimoire of Sastaz, a Peleahn Shenava. The spells within display his magical aim; survival.
Expanding Save-K’norran Ritual Choice
Presents a house rule where Save-K’norran priests can learn the rituals of other dieties, but beware the cost.
Morvrin Errata
A clarification of all things morvrin, the Morgathian undead.