This article contains four neutral spells for the summoning, binding, and control of spirits from Yashain.
Category: HârnMaster
Bestiary: Demons and Divine Servants
This 13 page bestiary article provides general information on demons, divine servants, and other dwellers on Yashain. In addition, details are provided for the 8 types of V’hir and two types of Gytevsha.
Tharda Villa
An adjunct to HārnManor, ThardaVilla allows the GM to develop a villa in the Thardic Republic where a patrician culture dominates.
St Vusa and the Mice
A Peonian ritual invocation, inclusive of its background, a brief history of the saint of Peoni that gave the ritual its name, and HarnMaster 3rd mechanics in the standard sidebar format.
Bestiary: Spirit Folk (Faeries)
Spirit Folk, also known as faeries, are usually described as having shy, gentle natures and often possessing various, usually minor, powers. Many are helpful and sometimes warn travelers of danger or otherwise aid them. However, they can also be mischievous, even dangerous, if provoked.
Tomes and Scrolls: pp27-38
This 12-page article introduces a dozen new tomes for your Hârnic libraries. It concentrates more on mundane writings, leaving out theological works.