This ‘double’ issue includes 24 characters to be used in any way the GM sees fit; as NPC opponents, helpers or even emergency PCs for that player who turns up unexpectedly.
Category: Characters
An article that contains NPCs a GM can use in a game, with HârnMaster stats.
The Standing Bear Inn
The Standing Bear has a well-deserved reputation for excellence and is regarded by many as the finest of Olokand’s three inns.
Friends, Foes & Followers — Part 16 Standing Bear Inn
Friends, Foes & Followers is a GM resource that uses a common format for presenting 2 pages of information about a character. All characters in this edition are from the Standing Bear Inn in Olokand, or may be visitors at the inn during the Olokand tournament.
Clan Tharin
Clan Tharin is one of four Khuzan merchant clans based in the city of Azadmere. Includes two clan members in FFF form.
Orbaal – Legacy of the Clansmen
Rugged Orbaal – a mountainous, inhospitable region which is possibly the most dangerous region of Harn. Includes Chapter 4 of The Saga of Gundar Green-Eye.
Tashal Harper: A Townhouse
A venerable three-story townhome in Tashal’s Kalabin District is the home of Lanas Sosora, the Harpers’ Guildmaster for all of Kaldor.