Friends, Foes & Followers — Volume One contains 144 unique, illustrated, and detailed characters. Although using HârnMaster 3 game system statistics, skills, weapons and armor, they are designed to be used with any game system.
Category: Characters
An article that contains NPCs a GM can use in a game, with HârnMaster stats.
Hârn – Secrets of the Misty Isle
Visit scenic Harn, the Misty Isle, and explore its rugged wilderness, following its many criss-crossing trails through mist-enshrouded hills and dense forests. Includes Chapter 3 of the Saga of Gundar Green-Eye.
Four pre-generated HarnMaster characters ready for any campaign.
The Drunken Drake: Esenor #18
The Drunken Drake is where men go for “good times”.
Major Knights of Chybisa
The achievements of major knights of Chybisa.
Saint Symaen
Saint Symaen is venerated by Chybisans, particularly the townsfolk of Burzyn, as Defender of Burzyn and Patron Saint of Chybisa.