The Seawolf is an 80-foot warboat employed by the Rethemi Earl of Tormau as freebooters.
Category: Characters
An article that contains NPCs a GM can use in a game, with HârnMaster stats.
Maral’s Cottage
A generic peasant cottage and its inhabitants, Maral’s Cottage can be used anywhere.
Tashal: Haldana Row
In the city of Tashal, Haldana Row is home to a diverse group of people: wealthy, highborn, mysterious.
Royal Court of Kanday
Who pulls the strings in Kanday’s government? This 24-page article gives details on the holders of office, a day in the life of the king, and hopeful brides-to-be he might meet when his court travels.
Future Harn – 722
A synthesis of the Kaldoric Succession Crisis, written as if in TR722, with details of all the major players.
Tormau Apothecary
This two page expansion for Tormau describes the local apothecary shop and its colourful characters.