Friends, Foes & Followers is a GM resource that uses a common format for presenting 2 pages of information about a character. All of the characters in this article are female.
Category: Characters
An article that contains NPCs a GM can use in a game, with HârnMaster stats.
Friends, Foes & Followers — Part 14
Friends, Foes & Followers Part 14 with 9 new characters.
Friends, Foes & Followers — Men In White
Few outsiders know that all that stands between their simple world and the chaos of the abyss are…the Men in White!
The Black Company
The Black Company is a Golotha-based mercenary Company of Adventure.
Balim House
Balim House is the luxurious residence of the powerful Earl Troda Dariune in Tashal, the royal capital of the Kingdom of Kaldor
Friends, Foes & Followers — Uldien
A baker’s dozen personalities in Uldien.