Another part of the ongoing NPC series, this is the Thonahexus 6 edition.
Category: Characters
An article that contains NPCs a GM can use in a game, with HârnMaster stats.
Downloads From The Past
- Greatclans of RethemThe genealogy of each of the 11 Greatclans of the Kingdom of Rethem.
- IviniaThranAn adjunct to HârnManor™, IviniaThran allows the GM to develop a thran (village) in the lands where the Ivinian culture dominates.
- The Legacy GrimoireA beautifully crafted fantasy role-playing supplement for the HârnMaster RPG, The Legacy Grimoire contains 50 pages of spells for all six Shek P'var magic convocations. The spells build on the existing magic rules and provide an expansive addition to any Hârn campaign, with loads of fun and exciting spellcasting opportunities.
- Stay BehindThis is the third installment of a three-part series in the eastern fringes of Peran and Rethem, the first being “Lost Generation”. It takes you into a wilderness community headed by an ancient, undead king. by Michael Jung
- The White Stoat InnThe White Stoat is the best inn Tormau has to offer. Needed for the adventure Peran: Heart of Darkness.
- Chantry of Arcane Lore – CherafirAn expansion of the Chantry of Arcane Lore in Cherafir. UPDATE: Sketchup file now available.
- Ubael HouseA somewhat worn-out but comfortable townhouse, Ubael House is the Tashal residence of Karsin Ubael, Baron of Uldien.