Visit scenic Harn, the Misty Isle, and explore its rugged wilderness, following its many criss-crossing trails through mist-enshrouded hills and dense forests. Includes Chapter 3 of the Saga of Gundar Green-Eye.
Category: People & Cultures
An article that contains information about a set of people that are somehow culturally separate, or about the cultures themselves.
Sea of Ivae – Realm of the Rovers
Sail the frigid seas of Ivae, braving the elements while you explore its many islands across the expanse of the northern ocean. Includes Chapter 2 of The Saga of Gundar Green-Eye.
Raldlund – Land of the Majestic Fjords
Raldlund is a wealthy, historically significant region of Menglana along the Oslufjord, located in the southern part of the kingdom. Includes Chapter 1 of The Saga of Gundar Green-Eye.
Major Knights of Chybisa
The achievements of major knights of Chybisa.
Mercenaries of Hârn
When you need an armed force quickly, you hire mercenaries. This article describes such companies, their organisation, occupations, fees, and how they might be employed.
Menêma – Hèpekéria’s Maritime Crossroads
We are pleased to publish the first of four Regional Maps and Gazetteers for the sub-continent of Hèpekéria. The first of these is Menêma – Hèpekéria’s Maritime Crossroads. This publication covers the Kingdoms of Menêma, Dýsor, Geména and Vítho, and the wild lands of Dálani. It also outlines the Númec lands of the Lawâta and […]