A “whodunnit” style murder mystery set in northern Melderyn.
Category: Settlements
An article that describes a village, manor, town, city, or even a single building somewhere in the world of Hârn.
The Warrior’s Grave
The burial place of an ancient Jarin warrior surfaces after heavy rain.
White Stag Inn
This tavern could be located anywhere on Hârn…or indeed any other fantasy world.
Getha Keep
Getha is the largest village in Fethael Hundred and the seat and ancestral home of the Indama clan.
Fethael Hundred Gazetteer
Designed from the top down as the backdrop for Joe Adams’ Knights of Kaldor campaign, the Hundred presents a GM with a rich inter-connected area as the setting for adventures or even a campaign.
A small religious kingdom in Ivinia, Eldeskaal is close to the holy peak of Mt. Ilbengaad.