Downloading Files

As you know, all files available for download from are free. The only currency the writers of these fine articles receive is the accolades of those who like their work and say something and, from the silent majority, an ever increasing counter on the download page.

Ever since I moved to the current format of this website, I’ve been using a plugin to provide that counter. Unfortunately, the author of the plugin no longer maintains the plugin and I’ve been dreading the time when it might stop working. That time as arrived, sad to say. I have some experience in the language (PHP), but I’m no expert. However, I have enough to make a workaround. It’s not pretty, but it will allow people to download the files they want, and still keep the counters ticking over for the authors.

If you have problems downloading a file, you will be able to find a direct link to it on the All Files page under the About menu item above.

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