Day Zero, the first “official” day of HârnCon NZ, and Jeremy Baker, as the Speaker of the Cheler Nastrad, convened a Parliament to debate and vote on the formation of a new testrad (committee) to oversee trade and diplomatic talks with officials in Palithane and Trierzon. Extensive bribes…I mean ‘negotiations’ and debate saw Clan Silkan unfairly penalised and not achieving the goals it desired. Namely, ensuring Clan Pelanby was sidelined, and we collected as much money as possible.
Members of this most biased and prejudiced Parliament are pictured below.
From left to right: Front Row – Jason Grandfield, Robert Simpson (Tolamael), Rob Duff, Chase and Lawrence Bryan
From Left to right: Back Row – Andy Gibson (Balesir), me, Brian Smaller, Peter Moller (Wayfarer), Kerry Mould (Sageryne), Jeremy Baker (Fastred)