Karéjia – the City-States of the Venârian Sea

We are pleased to announce our first publication of 2019- Karéjia – the City-States of the Venârian Sea.

Continuing our Venârivè Almanac series, this module describes the heart of Venârivè – the islands of the Karéjian Archipelago and the lands of the eastern seaboard which are part of the Karéjian League.

The region includes cities as diverse as Livélis, Phanósia, Shélon, Ájygàl, and Gílech and a total of over 200 city-states, with massive trading fleets (larún) and bustling markets where goods from across Lýthia can be found.

Political intrigue is rife within and amongst these city-states, as well as with neighbouring realms – Dalkésh, Ázeryàn, and Hácherdad. There are uncounted opportunities for adventurers, traders and would be politicians to thrive – or fall.

For further details, and to purchase, see:

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