I have avoided Facebook for many years. As an IT security professional, I deemed the site too insecure, too likely to compromise me or my friends, and too much bother.
But that’s changed. Sure, I think the site is still nothing more than a giant tool for accumulating data for targeted marketing and as such, lower than shark poo on the scale of things, but it’s an undeniable fact that it has become an enormously successful way to communicate with your friends and those that share similar interests.
I have added some new capabilities to Lythia.com so I can learn about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), not because I want to start making money from this site but because my sister has started a blog with the intention of making money from her passion. Naturally, she has been ringing me many times a day asking questions about SEO, about writing blogs and a lot of other associated things, so I thouoght I’d better find out about this stuff. Besides, if I’m going to know what to do to control information flow to Facebook, I can’t very well bury my head in the sand any longer.
And so I’ve taken the plunge…well, I’ve dipped a toe into the cold, cold waters…you won’t find me under my own name for a start. The birthdate in my Facebook profile is incorrect, and I haven’t included any of my normal email addresses or any other personal information. But, I have created a Lythia.com page on Facebook, which means that when I publish a new post here, it should also appear on the Lythia.com Facebook page (although I’ll admit I haven’t quite got it to work yet…but I will).
So if you have a Facebook account, and I’m sure a lot of you do, please come on down and like the site for me. In fact, if you Follow Lythia.com then you’ll hopefully receive notifications or updates on your wall (or whatever that darn things are called) about new posts here. Let’s see if we can’t get more people to learn about Hârn using all the social media tricks we can think up.
PS: I can update Twitter and a couple of other social media sites too, so let me know if there are anything you use frequently or you prefer.