Some minor editorial changes have been made to the following files written by Christian Düntgen, so you may want to download them again. Just click in the links below to go to the file’s download page.
Downloads From The Past
- Miller’s GuildAlmost every household bakes their own bread, and the rest need to buy this staple food, and for these people visit the local miller.
- Greatclans of ChybisaGreatclansGreatclans of Kaldor Greatclans of Kanday Greatclans of Rethem Greatclans of Chybisa Greatclans of MelderynThis article describes the genealogy of each of the six Greatclans of the Kingdom of Chybisa. Each Greatclan has an individual two page article with text describing the history of the clan and its current members, a family tree showing up […]
- Tharda VillaAn adjunct to HārnManor, ThardaVilla allows the GM to develop a villa in the Thardic Republic where a patrician culture dominates.
- Major Knights of ChybisaThe achievements of major knights of Chybisa.
- BaronetsBaronet's or 'little barons' are those rich knights, typically holding several manors, who can afford to knight all their children, not just the heirs.
- Spells of Kaelyn AlettaFour Odivshe spells created by Kaelyn Aletta (see FFF 15) for her advancement to shenava.
- Chybisa Manor DataSupplementary manor data for all 78 Chybisan manors.