Tag: Araka
Downloads From The Past
- ChewintinThe southern-most manor in Kaldor, Chewintin has been badly managed for years, and is full of simmering hatreds.
- Clan SholenThe Sholen clan of the Nolgind tribe are renowned story-tellers and singers.
- Major Knights of MelderynThe major knights of Melderyn are the bailiffs or constables of keeps, holding these strongholds for the Great Clans of the kingdom.
- AvertuLocated in southern Kanday, Avertu stands guard over a small port.
- NysludNyslud (New Fort) on the southern edge of the Anoth Delta is a seasonal settlement.
- Tomes and Scrolls: pp27-38This 12-page article introduces a dozen new tomes for your Hârnic libraries. It concentrates more on mundane writings, leaving out theological works.
- Eastside ChapelThis one page article describes a small chapel of Peoni dedicated to Maermel, the Lord of Labor.