Tag: Azadmere
Downloads From The Past
- Denal KuboraThe unhappy Kuboran tribe bound to a mad god.
- Friends, Foes & Followers — Part 15Friends, Foes & Followers is a GM resource that uses a common format for presenting 2 pages of information about a character. All of the characters in this article are female.
- Kuseme Spice MerchantA wily fellow from Ivinia, the Kuseme spice merchant owns Nilstromhus in the Moleryn Road, a well known and popular shop.
- Manor List By KingdomSpreadsheets listing all manors within Hârn kingdoms.
- Ovien FordThe Mercantyler’s Guild in Olokand was deeply disturbed by reports of attacks at Ovien Ford along the Fur Road. In a private meeting with mercenaries, a plan was hatched...
- Hârn PottageHârn Pottage is a collection of many small articles into one module and suitable for use by any GM. It has earned top marks from an RPGnet reviewer.
- City Catchup for HarnMasterStory generation for PC down-time.