Tag: dwarf
Downloads From The Past
- Khuzan Hunting LodgeAt the height of the Codominium, a Khuzan clan adapted part of an existing natural cave system for use as a hunting lodge. Each autumn, the Khuzdul would travel there to spend a month hunting; the rest of the time the site sat empty. It has remained hidden for more than a millennium.
- Balim HouseBalim House is the luxurious residence of the powerful Earl Troda Dariune in Tashal, the royal capital of the Kingdom of Kaldor
- Map: Emesa HundredA map of Emesa Hundred
- AlchemyAlchemy, an original work by NRC, adapted by JPM and reformatted by Shane Morales. This archive contains all versions, from the original to the final adaptation. They should be considered houserules because they were never officially published. Also available are alchemical and chymical recipes of Terra.
- GedanLocated in Nelafayn Hundred, the village of Gedan generates income for Abriel Abbey.
- Grand Grimoire of the Pvaric TraditionA 220 page opus containing a personalised version of all HârnMaster spells from all sources.
- HarnCharHarnChar is a Java-based command-line application that generates HM3 characters and outputs them in plaintext or PDF format.