Downloads From The Past
- Troop Combat with GACHouse rules for simplifying large battles by using General Armor Class (GAC) from CGI's Battlelust rules.
- Knights of Lynnfana HundredTwenty heraldic achievements of minor knights inhabiting Lynnfana Hundred
- Kathane ManorKathane is the first or last stop between Trobridge and Kaldor.
- White Stag InnThis tavern could be located anywhere on Hârn...or indeed any other fantasy world.
- Thonahexus 3Issue #3 of Thonahexus, a fanzine dedicated to the world of Hârn.
- Sheluna MountainsThis is a Harndex style article detailing an area of the Beshakan Desert; the Sheluna Mountains.
- Maiden of DeyaIviniaCon 2003 adventure set in Rethem; can you do all that is needed to save the Maiden of Deya?