This module describes the village of Gerdel as well as the caer and the abbey, with full color maps and floorplans. In addition, a full history and description of the orders of The Eight Demons and The Cohorts of Gashang are included, along with profiles of all the local order members This sets the stage for many hours of exploration and enjoyment of this location, which integrates fully with previously published materials on Rethem, the religion of Agrik and the fantasy role-playing setting of Hârn. (This article is also included in the adventure "Trouble in Rethem", so you don't need …
The Mercantyler’s Guild in Olokand was deeply disturbed by reports of attacks at Ovien Ford along the Fur Road. In a private meeting with mercenaries, a plan was hatched...
Every GM tweaks the base rules to suit their own style, and that of their players; this is the legendary DongMaster's second edition of his house rules.