LabarnLabarn Townhouse Suvist Jafpot Suvist is a manor to the northeast of Heru in Kaldor. While the manor is prosperous, the acrimonious relationship between the lord of the manor, Sir Sterba, and his wife, Lady Kelenia, is stretching the manor’s resources to its limit. This article is one of a series concerning the holdings of […]
This font is made up of vertical and horizontal angular strokes as opposed to the usual round and diagonal strokes of other Lakise scripts; a well-crafted page is impressive—even a little intimidating.
This 'double' issue includes 24 characters to be used in any way the GM sees fit; as NPC opponents, helpers or even emergency PCs for that player who turns up unexpectedly.
A khuzan hunting lodge abandoned a thousand years ago waits to be discovered. This location was designed for use with The Bloody Raven (qv) adventure but could be used anywhere.