Within a half league of Burzyn are several notable locations. This 12-page article includes history, manor capsules, location details, and adventure hooks, plus three location expansions within Burzyn.
A speculative piece about the advantages and disadvantages of those places on the edge of Kaldor that could serve as a port. It narrows the possibilities down to one.
At the height of the Codominium, a Khuzan clan adapted part of an existing natural cave system for use as a hunting lodge. Each autumn, the Khuzdul would travel there to spend a month hunting; the rest of the time the site sat empty. It has remained hidden for more than a millennium.
This article details the house of Senator Rylen in Coranan, his mother, and his people. This is a senatorial household on the cusp of change, ripe with possibilities.
Designed from the top down as the backdrop for Joe Adams’ Knights of Kaldor campaign, the Hundred presents a GM with a rich inter-connected area as the setting for adventures or even a campaign.