A detailed astrology article with historical information and context, as well as an explanation of Astrology specific to Harn and to general astrology.
This 'double' issue includes 24 characters to be used in any way the GM sees fit; as NPC opponents, helpers or even emergency PCs for that player who turns up unexpectedly.
A khuzan hunting lodge abandoned a thousand years ago waits to be discovered. This location was designed for use with The Bloody Raven (qv) adventure but could be used anywhere.
Upon a sea of grass… Keléstia Productions are pleased to announce the publication of our second Venârivè Almanac product: Tuvâra – the Great Southern Savannah. The lush savannahs between the Venârian Sea and the Anzelôrian Rainforest are home to some of Kèthîra’s most remarkable fauna. They are also home to the Tuvâra – a race […]