This 13 page bestiary article provides general information on demons, divine servants, and other dwellers on Yashain. In addition, details are provided for the 8 types of V'hir and two types of Gytevsha.
What are the advantages of a port controlled by Kaldor that can take ocean-going vessels? There are lots, not least of which is maintaining Tashal's pre-eminence as the commercial hub of Hârn, and filling the coffers of the Kingdom of Kaldor in the process. We examine the case for a port, and link to the original Port of Kaldor article.
We've been waiting since 1989 for an official release of the Trierzon Regional Module. Since the split between CGI and NRC in 2003, this has looked even more unlikely than it was in the 1990's, but one shouldn't underestimate the power of the dedicated Hârniac! Conal Smith has poured an amazing amount of time into this stunning document.