Downloads From The Past
- Patrick Nilsson’s House Rules ProEvery GM tweaks the base rules to suit their own style, and that of their players; this is the legendary DongMaster's second edition of his house rules.
- Major Knights of KaldorTwo page article containing heraldry of sheriffs, bailiffs and constables of Kaldor.
- AstrologyA detailed astrology article with historical information and context, as well as an explanation of Astrology specific to Harn and to general astrology.
- Ruined BridgeA ruined bridge left over from the Codominium is now the home of a hermit.
- House For SaleThis is a mini-adventure and location article, which details a house in the Weavertown district of Tashal Kaldor that is up for sale.
- Antir KeepAntir, a small seaport on the southern side of Deb Bay in northern Orbaal, will explode into violence when the current valhakar dies.
- A Kaldoric Succession CrisisOne person's interpretation of the Kaldor Succession Crisis.