Character Sheets & Profiles

A number of Hârn fans have developed character sheets or profiles…even whole portfolios…over the years. They’re gathered here to make it easy for other fans to download and make use of.

The author of this simple 2-page character sheet is unknown.

This character portfolio was developed by Anders Bersten and is for HânMaster 2 (HM2). There are two PDFs meant to be printed and filled in manually (the fields are not editable).

This 3-page character sheet was developed by Andy Staples from ideas by Thorvald Neumann, and edited by Kerry Mould. It’s meant for HârnMaster Core (HM3 or HMC). There is a PDF with non-editable fields and a Word document.

Another character portfolio, this one is by Bill Gant for HârnMaster Gold. It is a multi-paged Excel spreedsheet that is totally editable, with a number of fields being filled by VBScripts, and a PDF user manual to explain how to use it. This is a deluxe character profile for use by the ‘serious’ Hârn gamer. Which means it is quite complex, even complicated.

Anders Bersten’s contribution is the first in a series of character sheets for Hârnmaster Gold, each with their own customized cultural flavour. This one is the 26 page long Feudal Edition.

If there appears to be enough demand, Anders will follow this up with the 39 page Viking, followed by the Imperial and Tribal Editions. The Viking Edition will see the introduction of a few elements imported and merged from the Pendragon system, specifically the Virtues & Vices, Traits and Passions tokens.

Here is a character sheet for HârnMaster version 3 by Linus Rowedda. This looks exactly like the sheets you can buy from Columbia Games Inc. but the PDF has editable fields. Not all the entries are editable, and no calculations are done automatically, but quite a lot of the data that never changes is able to be entered on the form on your computer, so it will look quite nice when printed. There’s also a journal sheet with moon phases and religious days attached for player notes, which is a nice add-on.

A comprehensive character portfolio by David Sprinkle. The sheets are designed to simplify character creation as much as possible. Skills are listed out, along with the formulas for the associated Skill Bases. This allows the player to open new skills during play without necessarily needing to refer to the rulebook. For those that use skill development rolls at the end of each session in order to improve skills over time, three checkboxes in front of each skill name are used to track skill usage during the gaming session. The sheets were created with a duplex printer in mind. Print them back to back as follows: character/combat; mystic/spells; campaign/campaign flipside. The NPC sheet is single sided. They have been left as separate PDF pages and combined into a single PDF in the suggested order for convenience.

The HM3 Character Profile is an all-in-one character sheet for HârnMaster 3rd Edition by Bill Gant that records a character’s attributes, skills, equipment, injuries, weapons and armour, notes on friends and foes, animal companions, your character’s religious calendar and quests, and (if applicable) divine invocations and Shek-Pvar spells. Calculations are made ‘on the fly’. No matter whether your PC is an armoured man-at-arms on foot, a mounted knight, an Ilviran priest or Odivshe Shek-Pvar, this tool will take the effort out of keeping track of your character’s statistics so you can focus on roleplaying. Also included is a comprehensive manual that describes each section of the HM3 Character Profile.

A guide for new Harn GMs on rolling up new player characters by Daniel Petrone. It contains a step-by-step list and some of Daniel’s house rules on creating good player characters. It also includes a customised character sheet. [Updated March 2022]

A stylish character sheet by Erik Lindenius names “Retro Ivinian” because it is similar to some old character sheets for Scandinavian RPGs.

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