Guildspeople of Lythia

This is an updated version of the 2009 article Published Guildsmen produced by the Hârn Guild Team and Christian Düntgen. It contains, as exhaustively as possible, canon and fanon references to guilded and some unguilded individuals, places of business, warehouses, hostels & meeting places (Lia-Kavair and Shek-Pvar as well). It includes map references and the new city location numbering system. Inn and tavern names are included. References to fanon that are no longer available have been removed (you can still find them in the 2009 article). This article should be periodically updated as new articles are released.

November 2020

  • Canon additions/updates: Menio, Menekai, Gwaeryn, Geldeheim, Thard River, Shostim, Hyen, Harden
  • Fanon additions/updates: Tashal (many), Fethael Hundred, FFF Vol. 1, newly published articles
  • Added: deeplinks to the fanon articles.

by R. Airiq Williams

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