The download contains all the files and instructions a user should need to install the Astrology Program. (Please see the README files and “Installation instructions” included in the file.)
The Harnic Astrology program takes a fully functional and richly detailed Earth-based Astrology Program (“SymSolon”) (GNU) and changes the parameters to produce output appropriate for the Harnic Isles and the planet (solar system) of Kethira. Though the program is “buggy” in several areas it can maintain a database of Birth-dates and location information for any number of Harnic Characters as would an actual astrologer for their clients on earth. The program produces detailed astrological details for any date and time anywhere on the planet of Kethira and contains instructions on how to read these to produce richly detailed Natal and Daily Horoscopes for the characters.
As most persons are not already knowledgeable about the production and reading of astrology charts I recommend the download of Harnic “Astrology” document by Steve McDonald, available here on “Astrology” is the most detailed astrology article available for HarnWorld and includes detailed historical information and context for Harn in addition to an explanation of Astrology both specific to Harn and to general astrology.
Also this program and the “Astrology” article are ideal tools for learning and understanding the methods of real-world astrology.
by Gary Ashburn