These are blank journals, by month, for Kethiran weather reports. They are prepared in Microsoft Word 2003; they should open without difficulty into any version of Word up to MS Word 2010. Porting into OfficeLibre loses some data and formatting.
The journal pages are presented in hínyaèl (half-month), with days broken into six watches. The watches are themselves color-coded to denote the amount of daylight available during the shift, and this changes with the seasons. Grey denotes night watches, a lighter grey denotes twilight watches (only experienced during spring and fall), and yellow denotes day watches.
I use the space immediately to the right of the date for sunrise and sunset times. However, my times are known to be inaccurate; I have left it for the user to provide his own almanac, or notes, or blank as he or she sees fit. I have removed the form fields to facilitate rapid data entry.
The icons beneath the dates denote the full moon (Yaélah) and new moon (Yaélmor), as well as the religious days per the Harn Religious Calendar (CGI 9951),
by Konnel Damiano