- Peran: Heart of Darkness
- The White Stoat Inn
- Asawne Kubora
- Denal Kubora
- Afarezirs: The Root Of All Evil
- The Tirsa Pirates
- The Trident Inn
- Movel Gamle Hem
- Gwaed Island
- Cynswyr Ariensyn
- Clan Sholen
- Maps: Afarezirs
- Golotha: The Deeper Dark
- Zarainsen Warehouse
- Golotha Guild of Arcane Lore
- Mejetus: Ancient Shades
- Scarlet Ribbon
- Kustan Siolen
- Emesa
- Mejetus
- Bestiary: Bitter Fallen
- Map: Emesa Hundred
Most of the mortal population of Yashain are embodied souls of departed Kethirans with no memory of their former life. Most are judged worthy of entry into their afterlife but only the most pious are granted life eternal on Yashain. What, though, if these immortal servants of the gods are forgotten on Kethira? What if the emotion and devotion they attract from the mortals of Kethira dries up? What if the power they harvest from this devotion ceases to flow to their god? They Fall from Grace and some resent it; these are the Bitter Fallen and they want revenge for their loss.
by Alun Rees