As usual, this edition of Thonahexus brings a wonderful variety of interesting and useful articles ready to be used as-is or adapted by GMs everywhere.
- David Workman provides a legend about Ilby, a vathran in Rogna.
- David also created a location in Coranan that could serve as a home base for a group of adventurers, a boarding house run by the Widow Valdris.
- Another location is the Thornpress Cider Mill by Joe McCallum, a place of business in Cherafir.
- Neil Thompson returns to continue the story of his characters in Asolade Winter, the prequel of Shower of Silver.
- Neil also created an adventure set in Asolade called Six Go Wild in Asolade. Featuring a “bunch of meddling kids”, this uses Fate Accelerated rules.
- Jonathan Davidson brings us Dame Alyce Avonasen, a Laranian knight.
- Krazma’s Forge returns to Ssanimar and focuses on its cultures.
- LW Thrasher ventures to Diramoa and presents a repeating crossbow used by its warriors.
- Jonathan Nicolas describes several magical treasures that could be very useful in Hârnic campaigns.
edited by Joe Adams