- Peran: Heart of Darkness
- The White Stoat Inn
- Asawne Kubora
- Denal Kubora
- Afarezirs: The Root Of All Evil
- The Tirsa Pirates
- The Trident Inn
- Movel Gamle Hem
- Gwaed Island
- Cynswyr Ariensyn
- Clan Sholen
- Maps: Afarezirs
- Golotha: The Deeper Dark
- Zarainsen Warehouse
- Golotha Guild of Arcane Lore
- Mejetus: Ancient Shades
- Scarlet Ribbon
- Kustan Siolen
- Emesa
- Mejetus
- Bestiary: Bitter Fallen
- Map: Emesa Hundred
The Shawls of Kustan sit in an open valley through which the Scarlet Ribbon weaves to Kustan and are one of the least well known, but most impressive, wonders of Harn. Dozens of carefully, but mysteriously, arranged standing stones litter the landscape. Some are confined within ditch or bank enclosures; others form circles or rows or stand, lonely and alone, among the trees. Still others top, or circle, some of the many grass and scrub covered mounds raised across the valley. The valley is sacred to all Kubora and outsiders wander here at their peril.
by Alun Rees