- Peran: Heart of Darkness
- The White Stoat Inn
- Asawne Kubora
- Denal Kubora
- Afarezirs: The Root Of All Evil
- The Tirsa Pirates
- The Trident Inn
- Movel Gamle Hem
- Gwaed Island
- Cynswyr Ariensyn
- Clan Sholen
- Maps: Afarezirs
- Golotha: The Deeper Dark
- Zarainsen Warehouse
- Golotha Guild of Arcane Lore
- Mejetus: Ancient Shades
- Scarlet Ribbon
- Kustan Siolen
- Emesa
- Mejetus
- Bestiary: Bitter Fallen
- Map: Emesa Hundred
The Trident, situated on Chafin Street, is located in Golotha, and caters to all types, from spectators and participants in the Pamesani Games to those that want things kept a little quiet. It is the first inn visitors come upon when they enter the city through the Gate of Chafin. Many will start an evening’s entertainment by fortifying themselves with a few drinks at the Trident. Thus prepared they make their way to the heart of Sewertown for a night of cockfights, dogfights, and fistfights; accompanied by any variety of debauchery they favour. It’s a poor night when it isn’t standing room only in the Trident!
by Alun Rees