
Nestled in the embrace of the Jahl Mountains, the inhabitants of Pethwys carve out their living from the only arable land between Leriel and Geldeheim, the bounties of Jariga Lake and the offerings of the mountain forests. 450 years of uninter­rupted rule by the Weymyss clan has lent a certain degree of stability to the area, a stability sorely needed in a region of harsh weather, frequent Gargun raids and, more recently, the yoke of Ivinian oppression. That stability seems threatened by the events of the past two decades, but what will be the outcome? This second edition of the Pethwys article includes heraldry by Matthias Janssen, illustrations by Ewa Wadell and Robert Bjurshagen, and a much expanded article. All maps are drawn using Mappa Harnica.

by Henrik Olofsson


1 comment on Pethwys

  1. Excellent FANON and Artwork. Another gem for almost any campaign by simply substituting the locale and religions. It is very well written and designed particularly the drawings, pictures, maps (I always like seeing a scale included with fortifications or maps (ounless it is a poetic map)), heraldry and buildings.

    My favorite part is the recent events, the legends and rumours and the tower ruins for adventure hooks.

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