South of Shorkyne and east of the island of Hârn lies the Trierzon region – the location of western Lýthia’s largest feudal kingdom, and one of the continent’s most densely populated areas. The Trierzon Regional Module provides information on the Trierzon region, including the kingdoms of Emelrene, Palithane, Emelrene, Tarkain, and the westernmost province of the Azeryan Empire. Combined, these states have a population more than twice that of the Hârn, Ivinia, and Shorkyne regions combined.
The Trierzon Regional Module consists of two documents. The Trierzon Overview (32pp) provides information on the history, culture, economics, and weather of the Trierzon region (including a new weather region based on Earth’s Mediterranean climate). Accompanying this is the Trierzon Index (150pp), which has entries on every settlement and geographical feature on the Trierzon regional map, as well as short articles on various cultural social features. The Trierzon Regional Module is meant to accompany the Trierzon Regional map published by Columbia Games, or any future map of the same region published by Kelestia Productions.
by Conal Smith
I loved finding this here! This is just the sort of information about other parts of Lythia I’ve been waiting to see for years (ever since I got Columbia Games’ old Shorkyne regional module, and later the Trierzon map; I already had the little bitty map from Pilot’s Almanac, but the print’s rather small for middle-aged eyes like mine). This may be “fanon,” but it looks very similar to the old Columbia Games Hârn materials (don’t yet own any KP stuff, so can’t compare), and is better edited than some professionally published fantasy/SF stuff I’ve seen (f.ex., the small-press Lord Kalvan sequels by John Carr are flawed by inadequate copy-editing). I’ve printed out the Overview section, but need to fully load the paper tray of my laser printer before printing out the Index.
Good choice of illustrations, by the way; looks like mostly reproductions of bits of medieval European art, but well-matched culturally with the various portions of this document.