Beliefs of the Fuming Gate
A Clerical Order of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame
Basic Beliefs
The members of Order of the Fuming Gate are warriors and survivors. They see themselves as the guardians to the Gate of Balgashang. One of the many reasons for their high mortality rate (and thus low numbers) is the fervor in which they insist on testing themselves in combat-- both in ritual duels and on the battlefield.
The Order of the Fuming Gate trains its lay members from the tender age of nine to believe and obey the orders of the church. They are also encouraged to question and find fault with everything outside of their order:
No slight should go unchallenged. No insult taken. Only through battle and constant practice shall the truth burn through the lies and deceits of life. Fire purifies all. Telmurian Lenesque, Aperhanarherucha, 623 TR
The order accepts male and female Agnichari who have reached the age of puberty. These acolytes are given more advanced instruction in theology, mythology, church history and the like.
Principles of Sacrality
Warfare is holy. All acts related to starting, and keeping, a war going are blessed. From the lowest soldier to the greatest general, all on the battlefields feel the Warlord's presence and his fire. Without war there would be little or no reason to live. Life would stagnate without the need to adapt to new rulers, new people, and new foes. Death in combat is blessed, especially if it is a victorious battle.
Weaponcrafters, metalsmiths, armorers and their products are blssed. They allow us allow the faithful to do the Warlord's bidding here on Kethira.
Fire is holy. It indiscriminately consumes that which is placed into it, just as the Reasonless Reaper indiscriminately mows down souls on the battlefield. The sacred fires of the Eternal Flame that burn with in the temples are especially wholly. Sacrifices that are sent to the heart of Balgashang through fiery consumption are also holy.
Death and the Afterlife
The souls of all who die in combat are sent before the Fortress of Balgashang, but before a soul may enter his citadel, s/he must first defeat those guard its mighty Gate. Those who defeat the guardians him are set amongst the champions of Balgashang, assigned the task of challenging those who arrive after. The Guardians of the Gate, members of the Order believe, are not a defensive force, but a test designed to ensure who that all who enter are indeed worthy. Those who are found unworthy of entry will become common soldiers in the Warlord's service, but given due respect. Those who are found incompetent in this battle will become mere servants or slaves-- those who show cowardice will become fodder for Ak-Syt.
To the fortunate and the skilled goes the honor of battling alongside our brethren in the faith against all. There is no greater glory than this.
Beliefs about the Gods
(As taught by the Aperheran of the Golotha temple of the Fuming Gate, 716 TR).
The Warlord of Balgashang is a difficult taskmaster. We do not guard his gates against invasion, for he and his forces welcome war in all its forms. Instead we test the strength and purity of all those who dare enter his domain. We preserve the purity of warfare that was once used by Ilpylen and the author of the Balefire Chronicle. To make sure we ourselves are ready for such a task; we seek out warfare and challenge only those reputed to be strong and brave, leaving the others to tend to the lesser creatures that abound in this reality. The Lord of the Four Horsemen is a mighty warrior who will, in his own time, control and dominate all others within the heavens and beyond. The land will burn, its people will either fight or be destroyed for his pleasure and war will reign over everything. It is towards this future that we fight and prepare.
The Empress of Vanity is too concerned with her own opulence to grant her followers the strength they require to defeat us in battle. Like gold, she glitters and tempts. But what is gold when there is blood to be spilt? Her opulence is blinding but easily alleviated. Her servants most often can be bought or bribed and thus prove they have no spine, nor taste for battle. Be wary of her golden charm for she is like a snake that mesmerizes you just before biting. When the Reasonless Reaper rules the heavens her golden shine will dim in Ak-Syt, the place where all that defy or defame should be.
The Prince of the Sonless resembles a tortured soul from Ak-Syt rather than any form of champion or danger to us or ours. Eater of his own tail, he is like any dumb creature that attacks when provoked and dies easily enough with the right weapon. His followers are idiots, but not cowards. They are subtle and kill as quickly as a dagger when the need suits them, but heir games of power do not interest us. They fall as quickly as any other when they get between us and our goals.
The so-called 'Unwilling Lady' injured our lord long ago and that wound has festered ever since. Such a boil should be lanced and lanced often to remove its poison from our faith. But do not be fooled, acclaimed warriors, these are our most worthy and most honored enemies. And in their blood and souls we revel. Dolithor alone claims to rival the beauty and strength of Balgashang. When the war of the Heavens is over Agrik will then have two mighty fortresses of equal strength from which to rule everything. The Crimson Lady will then become the Lord of the Four Horseman's most honored victim in Ak-Syt. Her followers are misguided but courageous and strong. They make the best sacrifices.
The Wreaker of Chaos may seem reasonable, for he seeks power and revenge, anger, and cruelty embody him. but be wary! He too often forgets battles are fought to be won and destroys both the cause for the warfare and the bounty. His warriors are driven and courageous but insane and obscene. The dead, once dead, should remain so and the insanity of bringing them back to life to fight again spoils the power of battle-lust and the want for blood. There is no honor nor glory in killing something already dead. It feels no pain, suffers no fear. The walking dead and their followers should be destroyed utterly for the abomination they truly are. Be subtle in your dealings with them, however, for they wield great influence.
Wealth's Worry is a thief. His kind are quick to fight and die in secretive darkness, but they have no skill on the battlefield. Be wary of his followers in shadow; there alone, they are dangerous. Like all thieves, they should have their hands should cut off, and their bodies displayed to the public. Our fire burns holes in their veil of night and gives the Master of Deceit and Evil Dreams nightmares. Nothing compares to the terror we sick upon our enemies with the promise of death and Ak-Syt.
The Restorer is harmless. Her and her kind should be ignored for they are not worthy of our attention. That she begat Larani is her own curse and one the deity lives with daily. Sometimes our conflicts with the forces of the Crimson lady bring us close to the Restorer. She deserves some respect for her patience and power over the weak and those beneath our feet. There is a place for her in the Empire of Fire-- if only to keep her offspring in line.
The Wielder of the Blooded Axe is indeed a true warrior, but the fires of Agrik will melt his icy winds and warm his frosty climes. He will bring the color of blood into Sarajin's grey world. Still, his followers are lusty warriors, and battle with them offers challenges like almost no others, save Laranians. They are to be respected, and if possible, converted.
The Lord of the Puzzled is no warrior. His words and doings are mysteries and useless to us. His wisdom is false and his words designed to beguile and confuse. He is a useless guide, losing himself on a path that even he admits he cannot see. He does nothing for his followers, and on the battlefield they fall quickly.
The Lord of Dreams is old and weak. Once, perhaps, he might have been a challenge to our vengeful lord, but now he is nothing but an old man. Some of his followers are skilled in battle, but none deserve anything but contempt.
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Page last updated on July 29, 2002 by Jim Chokey