Below you will find a map were I have indicated in which region each of the
ten religions in GoH have originated. The map is pretty straight forward
but I would like to comment on a few things:
Agrik: In GoH it's stated that the founder of the church of Agrik,
Iipylen lived "on the slope of a dormant volcano somewhere in the heart of
Lythia." The most suitable area that I have found is the place indicated on
the map. The Lythia module indicates seismic activity and active volcanoes
in this area.
Halea: As stated in GoH, Merodyne the Pale is the founder of the church
of Halea, she lived in Karejia in the third century TR.
Ilvir. Because some Jarin seems to have been "summoned" to H rn by
Ilvir it seems reasonable to assume that Ilvirainism originated in the
Emelrene/Shorkyne area.
Larani: The idea that the origins of the church of Larani is to be
found in the Emelrene/Shorkyne/Trierzon area is a bit of speculation on my
behalf, GoH makes no provision for the place of origin.
Morgath: It's clearly stated in GoH that the church of Morgath was
founded in Azeryan.
Naveh: The church of Naveh believes that it's founder worked "in
eastern (?) Lythia..".
Peoni. This is also a bit speculative but since Larani and Peoni seems
to be closely related and since the Pontiff is found in Shorkyne I have
placed Peonis area of origin in the Emelrene /Shorkyne/Trierzon area.
Sarajin: Being worshipped almost exclusively by the Ivinians,
Sarajinism must have originated in Ivinia or among the Phvari who migrated
to Ivinia.
Save K'nor. The founder of the church of Save K'nor, Eilar of Ironoth,
is said to have lived in Azeryan.
Siem: Originally from Midgaard, Human knowledge of Siem originates
among the Sindarin of Hârn.