Thalia's Bargain teaches adherents how to evaluate risks and benefits, risks and returns. At higher levels, the lessons may be harsh; or they may be only for others, as the pursuer of luck continues, unluckily and disastrously, and observers learn by example.
Circumstance (and perhaps Thalia herself) decides whether an adherent progresses on this path. Of all the paths, this one is the most dangerous after a time; each succeeding level is more perilous and has higher stakes than the previous, leaving some foolish Haleans with an empty purse...or even a forfeit life. Thalia, in return, promises thrill, adventure, and the slim chance of fortune, provided the adherent in question is lucky enough to attract her favor long enough. Six levels on this path are known, the most common number of sides found on the instrument of gambling, dice.
The first side of the die: Accident
This is said to be the point at which Thalia's attention is roused. At this level of the bargain, fortuitous situations occur that are not of one's own making. One might find a valuable item, be invited to a party of social superiors, or not catch the cough that's going around. All that is required is that the beneficiary offer verbal thanks to Halea and Thalia. Unless someone leads a completely unlucky life, they easily can boast this level of grace from Thalia.
The second side of the die: Circumstance
At this level, the adherent begins to test the boundaries of fortune in small ways, consciously pursuing Thalia's favor. The most widely used means are games of chance, particularly those involving six-sided dice. These games do not necessarily involve any stakes, or the stakes may be small, such as purchasing the next round of drinks. Success by virtue of skill is, of course, cause for happiness. However, winning by chance is evidence of divine attention. Devout Haleans who pursue the second bargain will take their dice to the Temple for blessing, making a small offering at the same time.
The third side of the die: Offerings
As before, one tests the boundaries of chance. However, more is now at risk. Bets may involve money or belongings, or the adherent puts their reputation or physical safety at risk. Such stakes are often called "Offerings to Thalia." As before, only success by random chance rather than by skill counts toward achieving this level of the bargain. One should make a small offering before seeking Thalia's favor. Also, if the risk succeeds, one should offer a seventh part of one's good fortune to the Temple in Thalia's name.
The fourth side of the die: Peril
Many Haleans waver as they approach this bargain, and many of the faithful shy away altogether. The Fourth Bargain involves perilous risks such as betting one's house, making risky investments, accepting foolhardy dares, and embarking on adventures without forethought or preparation. Of the few Haleans who pursue this stage, most experience disastrous results, and some become addicted to the thrill of chance. Still, as chance or Thalia would have it, some few do prove lucky enough to succeed in this dangerous game. Conservative members of the faith have dubbed such folks "false Elomias" for their unexpected fortunes, especially those dealing with money.
The fifth side of the die: Invincibility
Adherents who reach this stage have shown they are lucky, but now their luck usually runs out. At this stage, death (or a fate worse than death) is risked for fortune and adventure, usually with little chance of success. The odds are great, but so are the rewards. Stories circulate about adherents who have succeeded at this level of the bargain, but conservative Haleans scoff and claim they are nothing more than tempting rumors -- that Thalia is too fickle for any amount of sacrifice or praise to attract her attention reliably.
The sixth side of the die: Miracles
This level is considered largely a myth, though a scant few dutifully pursue it. A Halean benefitting from this level of the bargain has experienced a turn of events in their favor that seems beyond improbable. What's more, such an impossible turn of fortune must happen more than once and have no discernible mundane reason for occurring. Generally, these events are life-altering for the better, and conservatives in the faith, and indeed most adherents, insist that the few individuals rumored to have reached this level are mythical. However, there are always those who want to believe that the Sixth Bargain exists; they dream about how it could change their lives, and some even seek to attain it without undergoing the tutelage in weighing risks offered by the first five Bargains. Ultimately, how one reaches the Sixth Bargain is a mystery. Tales speak of probabilities and ample prayer to Thalia.
Does Thalia's die have seven sides?
The existence of a seventh level is hypothetical, even to the most practiced priestesses. Certain of the highest circle have been granted visions in which they roll dice at a table with Thalia herself. No such visions are known to end in the mortal's favor.