B., b.: born; c.: circa (with a date); D., d.:
died; cd.: canonized. The date of formal canonisation is given when known.
The records of some formal canonisations
have been lost.
AELA, martyr. Three Arrows.
Aela was killed during a mission to the Kath tribesmen in 360 TR.
AIDRIK, martyr. Broken Sword. B. at Tashal, c.330; d. near Kiban, 377.
Aidrik II of Kaldor was the rightful heir to the
throne but was challenged for it by Fierth the Usurper and his followers.
The Civil War laster for fifteen years. Aidrik,
acting on treacherously false information, was
caught in the open with his army by a superior rebel force near Kiban.
Several of his vassal lords defected. Aidrik was
captured and executed, roasted over an open fire.
Some speculate that Fierth was a follower of Agrik. Aidrik's remains were
discovered in a common grave over a
ccentry later and brough to the cathedral at
ALASH, hero. City Wall. B. in southern Tharda; d. at Aleath, 371.
Alash unified the Aleta tribes of the southern
Eryna River valey about 350. He was a gentle man, fond of beauty and harmony.
In 356 he founded the city of Aleath
and the kingdom of Aleathia. During his reign
he extended his realm north to the crossing at present-day Dyrisa and west
to Ternu Heath. His remains were lost
during the Agony of Aleath. A few relics have
been rediscovered and are in scattered temples.
AMBRATHAS, founder of the church. Red and White Checkered Kerchief. B. c.400 BT; d. c.350 BT.
Gods of Hârn story. [Or alternately the story in the Gest of Ambrathas.]
ANDASIN the Elder, hero. Crown. B. at Edino, 558; d. at Dyrisa, 627.
Andasin was the son of a noble governor of the
Corani Empire. His father was eventually summoned before a Morgathian tribunal,
and Andasin became ... Kanday
ANDASIN the Younger
The second monarch (627-654) of the Kingdom of
Kanday. Andasin II was the grandson of Andasin I, whose sons had all died
in battle. He was a peaceful man
who established a Kandian tradition of enlightened
kingship. More prone to negotiationthan war, Andasin II made many alliances
with bordering petty states and
convinced Aleath Republic to join with Kanday
as a freetown in 633. By the time he died in 654, Kanday was a strong vigourous
kingdom and its gentle influence
had spread throughout most of southwest Tharda.
ARELORA, hero. Silver Sword. B. at Cuton, 613; d. at Dyrisa, 676.
Arelora was a skilled and willful queen of Kanday. Story from Kanday.
AROSTA the Conqueror
The 5th monarch (366-380) of the Corani Empire.
Some say Mejenes the Great was the greatest military leader Hârn
has ever produced; others say it was Arosta
the Conquerer. Both were very successful military
leaders. Arosta succeeded his father, Raelan, who was killed at the Battle
of Klondis in 366. The Corani Empire
might have perished then, for Raelan not only
got himself killed but lost most of the Corani army in the mountains of
Hefiosa. Led by Adjak, the tribes of Hefiosa
advanced on Coranan but wasted time looting,
which gave Arosta sufficient time to raise and train a new army. In a series
of brilliant campaigns, Arosta first
defeated the Hefiosa tribes between 366-369,
and then defeated the Shira, Kom and Merdi tribes over the next ten years.
When Arosta died in 380, planning to
conquer the Kingdom of Aleathia in the southwest,
he left to his heir a kingdom which had more than tripled in size and which
ruled most of Tharda.
AVILA of Ledyne (Kaldor 13)
BARYNE, martyr. Silver Disk. B. in Kanday; d. in Aleath, 414.
Little is known of Baryne's youth. She had a vision
in which the goddess called on her to be a priest and an example of Laranian
ideals. She was a young priest in
Aleath when a group of Agrikans arrived, declaring
that they were superior warriors and challenging champions of Larani to
meet them in battle. Baryne was
selected as the judge of the proceedings. Fearing
the outcome, the leader of the Agrikans murdered her during the night,
but he was discovered by his own
followers. Seeing the evil of what he had done,
they were converted to the worship of Larani. They handed their leader
over to the church and placed themselves at
the mercy of its judgement. The outraged populace
called for their execution, but Baryne appeared to the assembled crowd
and called for mercy. Above her stood
Saint Perdyn and Mendiz. The Agrikans became
monks, and Baryne was buried in the temple. During the Aleathian Odyssey,
her remains were carried to Thay.
BASWYN the Missionary, Sebrath. Cross atop Staff.
BRANT of Nurelia
The third king (172-207) of Nurelia's only ruling
house, clan Ethelyen. Brant guided his kingdom skillfully through much
of the Migration Wars. He was succeeded
by Nurelia's last king, Lotin the Grey.
CALIN of Aleathia
CALSTEN of Serelind
The first king (142-162) of Serelind.
CERDAN the Martyr, Sebrath and martyr. Broken Spear.
CHELEBIN, hero. Golden Harp. B. at Kiban, 615; d. at Olokand, 669.
Chelebin was the wife of King Haldan the Younger
of Kaldor and became queen after his death. She encouraged chivalry and
tournament pageantry. Bards sang of
her, the people adored her, and knights happily
died for her. She died quiety at Olokand during a tournament which she
started and which still bears her name.
The chieftain who unified the eight Corani tribes,
founded the Corani Empire, and ruled from 301-318. A Corani legend tells
of how Corthir challenged and defeated
each of seven other Corani chiefs in a single
day to unify the tribes and found his kingdom. The site of his victories
was apparently chosen to found the city of
DANAEL, Serolan. Two Crossed Spears.
Danael lived around 160 TR and established the temple of Abriel in Kaldor.
DERRIN, martyr. Ship.
Derrin led an ill-fated mission to Orbaal in 665 TR. He was murdered and his body never recovered. He has appeared in visions to several followers of Larani.
DOLAEN, Serekela. Temple.
Dolaen was a priest at Erone. He was the first
Serekela of Tharda. He extended and centralised the church in the Corani
Empire. His companions and followers
took word of the church throughout western Hârn.
DORYNA, evangelist. Spoked Wheel or Three Towers.
DORVAEN of Cherafir, Serolan. Horse.
Dorvaen lived around 84 BT and built the first large church in Cherafir. He organised the churches established by his predecessor, Maryk of Melderyn (*).
EGENIS, Sebrath. Sword with Nimbus.
EREBIR, hero. Lion. B. at Cherafir; d. at Cherafir, 51 TR.
Erebir was born into the ruling family of the
Kingdom of Birade, centred on the city of Cherafir and just one of five
kingdoms on and near the isle of Melderyn. In his
youth, he was tutored and advised by several
wise priests and wizards. He was able to see the true thoughts of men and
women. Erebir became king of Birade in 10
BT, succeeding his uncle. He persuaded the other
four kingdoms of Melderyn to elect him Pendragon and became ruler of the
mightiest kingdom on Hârn. His cult is
most popular among the nobility of Melderyn.
EREDIN, Serolan. Staff.
Eredin accompanied Shobald to the Ulmerian River valley and founded the first temple in the area.
ERIEL, martyr. Silver Star. B. at Dyrisa, 668; d. at Dyrisa, 694.
Eriel succeeded her father, Andasin III, to the throne of Kanday at the height of Ezar's War. The Kandians ... Story in Kanday.
GORTHAS, evangelist. Gate.
HALDAN the Elder, hero. Spear, Point Down. B. at Olokand, c.570; d. at Tashal, 636.
Haldan was the earl of Olokand during the Baronial
Revolt. During the conflict, he gained a reputation for honesty. He gained
the crown of Kaldor in 603 and
subdued those that opposed him. He restored the
traditions of the kingdom.
HORRIS, Serekela. Water Pouring from Pot.
Horris was Serekela of the Corani Empire around
500 TR. He converted many leading families to the church and greatly increased
the wealth of the church. He was
an advisor to emperors. He is best known for
building the large temple at Shiran in 519 TR.
JANASYN, Sebrath. Armoured Warrior.
These are Larani's most used servants. They are
her royal guard, her special emmisaries. The group is an Order composed
of demigods and former mortals. Their
number is small, perhaps a few dozen, but it
is gradually increasing. The Knight-Commander of the Order is named Orthas.
KORA, Sebrath and theologian. Book.
LANAS of Shiran (fl. 620 TR)
Lanas refounded many temples in Tharda.
LYN, Serolan. Sword (of Calsten).
Lyn was the leading missionary to the Kald basin.
She was a companion of Petryn of Peseh. She and her followers converted
the kings of the area and built several
churches. Lyn built Lyntord Abbey, considered
the mother temple of Kaldor.
MARABRINE, hero and martyr. Checkered Shield. B. in Kanday; d. at Quivum, 622.
A pious warrior involved in the rise of the House
of Kand, the ruling house of the Kingdom of Kanday. Marabrine was the first
warrior to join King Andasin I in the
wilderness. Always at the side of her lord, she
epitomised the ideals of the knight. She showed great skill at arms and
was an important leader in the king's army. She
became good friends with Oswyn. She was instrumental
in the siege of Dyrisa, defeating a larger bandit force that came from
Quivum in an attempt to relieve the
losing Morgathians. In 622 she was supported
by the king in founding the Order of the Checkered Shield and became its
first Chabla. She was killed the same year
during the successful attack by the newly founded
Order of the Checkered Shield on Quivum. She died after defeating many
enemies and with Oswyn gaining entry
to the keep itself. Her remains are kept at nearby
Erone Abbey.
MARAEN, Serolan. Spread Wings.
Maraen spread the chruch northward with the kingdom of Aleathia and founded the abbey at Erone in 453 TR, becoming its first abbot.
MARYK, Sebrath.
MARYK of Melderyn, Serolan. Spear Head.
Maryk lived around 110 BT. He encouraged the spread of the church among the leaders of Melderyn.
MEDRIK, hero. Crown. B. c.140 at Gardiren; d. in 192 at Tashal.
Medrik was the king of Serelind during the Migration
Wars. He defeated the Taelda at the Battle of Noneth in 180, preserving
his kingdom. He aided the king of
Pagostrain return for a pledge of fealty and
defeated the Pagaelin at the Battle of Kobing in 183. In 188 he assumed
control of the leaderless kingdom of Kephria
and proclaimed the kingdom of Kaldor. His remains
are in the cathedral at Tashal.
MEJENES the Great
The ninth monarch (443-465) of the Corani Empire.
Mejenes was of royal Corani blood but was not next in line to inherit the
throne on the death of Laketta. When
Laketta died heirless in 443, the Kingdom of
Aleathia sought to take advantage of a succession crisis by invading the
empire. Mejenes was chosen over Laketta's
brother to become emperor, mainly because of
his reputation as a brilliant military leader. As emperor, Mejenes defeated
and annexed Aleathia, thus removing the
last obstacle to Corani hegemony in western Hârn.
He died of a fever while seeking to expand Corani rule in the northern
wilderness of Equeth.
MENDIZ the Lion. Crimson Winged Lion. Feast day 17 Halane.
Story as per Gods of Hârn.
The 12th monarch (491-512) of the Corani Empire.
Mindrithar was probably the best Corani emperor; he was aggressive and
tough when required, a very good
administrator, and a learned scholar. He is best
remembered for his "Mindrithar Code", an enlightened legal system of fair
justice for all, which has, unfortunately,
largely disappeared with the rise of feudalism.
He is also credited with promoting religious freedom, tax reform, and the
formation of the Mangai in 493. It need
hardly be said that Mindrithar was very unpopular
with the Corani nobility; most of his efforts eroded their own jealously
guarded powers.
The seventh monarch (694-707) of the Kingdom of
Kanday. Mirelael succeeded her elder sister, Eriel, who was assassinated
in 694, and led Kanday to victory in
Ezar's War. For the balance of her reign, Mirelael
sought to re-establish peace in the region and rebuild the shattered economy
of Kanday; in both she was
successful. She was much loved and grieved when
she died.
MYKKAL of Tharda (fl. 336 TR)
Mykkal founded the first temple at Coranan.
MYKKAL the Prophet, missionary. Stag.
Mykkal led the first mission to western Hârn
in the middle of the third century TR. He worked mostly among the Aleta
tribes of southern Tharda, though he
dispatched several missions to other areas.
NARAEN, evangelist. Eagle.
NATHWIC, hero. Mountain. B. at Harden; d. at Harden, 190.
Nathwic was the most enlightened of several Lokori
tribal chieftains in the Horka river valley during the second century.
In 155, Nathwic, with the aid of Melderyni
knights and advisors, founded the kingdom of
Elorinar. Nathwic became a pious follower of Larani and built the abbey
at Peseh. He worked closely with Petryn of
Peseh (*). His kingdom grew steadily, and when
Nathwic died in 190 there were colonies from the north coast of Cape Renda
to Zuilos, and as far west as the
Ulmerian River.
NERADAS of Shiran
The first Autarch (636-343) of the Thardic League.
Neradas was the commander of the Shiran Legion, a small elite army formed
in 628 to guard and protect the
Shiran Republic. When the Thardic League was
formed between the Shiran and Coranan Republics in 636, Neradas was chosen
as the first Autarch of the League.
He formed the League army known as the Autarch
Guard and halted further expansion by Arlun the Barbarian at the Gomisen
River, after losing Menekai and Senun
to the Rethemi kingdom.
ODYNA, Serolan and theologian. Dove.
ORSIN of Pagostra (Qualdris 1). Ring.
ORTHAS the Commander. Gold Cross. Feast day 2 Agrazhar.
Orthas is the Knight-Commander of the Knights
of Tirith. He was once a mortal knight, but was favoured with elevation
to demigodhood when he died defending a
maiden against a demon of Agrik, although this
was only the last act of a noble life. Orthas is called Larani's most faithful
servant. He will obey any orders given to
him without question.
Some believe that Orthas led the Knights of Tirith
when they aided Ambrathas in winning Alamire. Their mortal remains destroyed,
he guided Ambrathas and the
other knights to Tirithor. Others hold thatOrthas
is Saint Ambrathas, blessed by serving Larani, yet still never finding
peace in Dolithor.
OSWYN, martyr. Gauntlet. B. in Tharda; d. in Quivum, 622.
A pious warrior involved in the rise of House
Kand. His origins are unknown, and he described himself as a wandering
knight. He appeared among the forces of
King Andasin I and defeated Marabrine, the king's
champion. The two mighty warriors became good friends and served their
lord with great loyalty. Oswyn was
instrumental in the founding of the Order of
the Checkered Shield in 622. He died of wounds (and some say a broken heart)
sustained at the Battle of Quivum the
same year. His remains are at nearby Erone Abbey.
PERDYN, Rekela and theologian. Two Crossed Swords. B. in Aleath, c.310; d. in Aleath, 402.
Perdyn was born a chief's son among the Aleta
tribes. He showed great skill at arms, but he was more impressed by the
teachings of the priests of Larani, and he
attributed all his skills and successes to the
goddess. He was known for his ability in battle and especially his wisdom
and strength of character. He became a
follower of Larani and joined the monastery near
Aleath. He supported the rise to power of Alash, first king of Aleathia.
He worked hard to spread the faith among
the tribes living around the kingdom. As much
as the armies of the king, his teachings and travels brought the Kingdom
of Aleathia to the height of its power and
influence. He declined to become Rekela several
times, finally accepting in 384. His letters to the Sebrath led eventually
the creation of the missionary Order of the
Spear of Shattered Sorrow in 465. Late in life
he wrote The Secular Church, a now classic work concerning the place of
the church as a support for the state. He
died a pious and beloved man. His remains were
interred in the new church of Aleath which he had begun and which bore
his name. His remains were carried away
to Thay in the Aleathian Odyssey. They now rest
in the cathedreal there. See Baryne.
PERELYNE, Sebrath.
PETRYN of Peseh, Serolan. Red Shield.
Petryn was a confidant of King Nathwic of Elorinar
and became the first abbot of Peseh. He was the first bishop of Elorinar
and the first bishop on mainland Hârn.
Many of his companions and followers carried
the church into central Hârn.
PETRYN the Great, Sebrath.
PETRYN the Guide, Sebrath.
PETRYN the Old, Sebrath.
POLERYN of Melderyn
The 16th king (557-585) of Melderyn and the last
monarch of its Rylian Dynasty. Poleryn's queen was barren but the king
was devoted to her. Hence the line died
out with him. In 573, Poleryn granted a charter
to the refugees of the Aleathian Odyssey, enabling them to found the city
of Thay in his mainland possessions.
RYLE, martyr. Cracked Shield.
Ryle was killed leading a mission among the Tulwyn tribesmen in 553 TR.
SANRIC the Younger
The second king (140-172) of Nurelia.
SELEDRYNE, Serolan. Spear in Stone.
Seledryne lived around 180 BT and was effectively the first bishop of Melderyn.
SERALAN, Serolan. Red and White Checkered Field. D. at Aleath.
Seralan established a new temple at Aleath following
the collapse of the Theocracy. He later founded the Order of Hyvrik. Due
to his leadership, priests came out of
hiding, and the church was no longer covert in
western Hârn.
SHELIR, hero. Upraised Hand. B. at Cherafir; d. at Cherafir, 240.
Shelir was king of Melderyn, famous for guiding the peaceful subdual of the rampaging Bujoc tribes during the Migration Wars in the third century.
SHOBALD, martyr. Helm. B. in Melderyn; d. at Burzyn, 183.
Shobald was a Melderyni knight who founded the
Kingdom of Chybisa and encouraged the spread of the church in central Hârn.
He was advised by Eredin. He
disappeared while leading a punitive mission
against Pagaelin invaders. He is venerated throughout central Hârn,
but especially in Chybisa. His remains officialy lie in
the temple in Burzyn which bears his name, but
some believe that they still lie in the crypts of a nearby ruined tower.
SIMYN the Elder, evangelist. Child or Three Towers.
SIMYN the Younger, missionary. Winged Child.
Brought the church to Melderyn.
STYFFEN, theologian. Grey Dove.
SYMAEN, missionary. Horseshow.
Symaen was killed by the Hodiri.
SYRELE, missionary. Boar.
Syrele led an expedition to the Taelda in 438 TR. She was killed by a demon-boar.
TORAS, evangelist. Eight Radial Spears or Three Towers.
TORASTRA of Kaldor
The 22nd ruler of Kaldor (669-692), Torastra was
originally passed over for the kingship in favour of his mother Chelebin
III (651-669) and it must be admitted
that he was more interested in war than in the
burdens of government. Nevertheless, he succeeded his father's queen in
669. Torastra had a profound love of battle
and fought three campaigns: the Salt War (672-673)
against the Thardic League, by which Torastra won extensive privileges
for Tashalan salters and mercantylers;
the Treasure War (675-678) as a result of which
Chybisa came, temporarily, under the Kaldoric crown; and, the Kathela Hills
Campaign (689) whereby he broke
the power of the eastern Kath, but failed to
secure the region.
TORIN, missionary. Tree.
Torin led an ill-fated expedition to the Kath in 187 TR. He was brutally killed.
TORYNE the Pious, Sebrath.
TYLAEN, Serolan. White Spear.
Tylaen led a mission into Rethem in 470 TR. He
built several churches but made relatively few converts. He established
a bishopric at Merethos. None of his
foundations survived the Theocracy of Tekhos.
UDINE of Chybisa
The 21st ruler (627-661) of Chybisa. The only
daughter of Gebral, Udine was a remarkable woman, fair of face and a very
competent administrator. For 34 years
she ruled Chybisa with wisdom and compassion,
although she was forced to banish her husband, Kerepel of Harden, for infidelity
in 648. When she died of a heart
attack (some would say a broken heart) her subjects
were united in their grief. Her unfaithful husband, a dishonoured derelict
swelling in Tashal, was knifed in an
alley soon thereafter.
VALAMIN the Frowner. Red Stain on White Field. Feast day 2 Peonu.
Story as per Larani article.
VELIN, martyr. Cross on Blue.
Velin was sent by Mykkal to convert the Merdi
tribes of present day Rethem in 306 TR. He landed somewhere near modern
Ithiko and was killed by the Merdi
tribesmen. His remains were brought back to Aleath,
but most of his relics were lost during the Theocracy of Tekhos.
The second monarch (183-210) of the Kingdom of
Chybisa and of the House of Shosel. Like his immediate predecessor (Shobald),
Verlid was an able general and
was able to hold off the rampaging tribes during
the ongoing Migration Wars.
The third monarch (210-251) of Chybisa and of
the House of Shosel. Verlid was as good a general as his father and also
excellent at fortress-building. His greatest
trial was in 227 when he barely stopped the advancing
Hodiri at the gates of Burzyn.
Verlid V was of the House of Shosel and goverened
Chybisa (375-392). Before coming to the throne, he fought on the side of
Aidrik II in the Kaldoric Civil War
and gave sanctuary to his son when the cause
was lost in 377.
Author: David Millians