Oh Peoni, Maker of Balms.
Aid us in times of trouble,
as we aid our troubled neighbours,
so that your peace may come.
Oh Peoni, Lady of Truth.
Guide us so that we can find your truth,
as we guide the wanderer who is lost,
so that your peace may come.
Oh Peoni, Everliving daughter of White Virtue.
Forgive us and help us when we falter,
and strengthen us to help others who fail,
so that your peace may come.
Oh Peoni, Guardian of the Meek.
Help us in times of weakness,
as we help the weak in our path,
so that your peace may come.
Oh Peoni, Lady of Honest Love.
Accept our true and honest love,
as we accept those who truly love us,
so that your peace may come.